Thursday, August 15, 2013

Your Physical Health Affects Your Emotions and Your Spirit Too...

Good health is not just about the body.  To be completely healthy, you have physical health, mental health/health of the mind,  and spiritual health.  Our bodies are not compartmentalized; if one area is compromised, the other areas compensate and therefore become imbalanced and compromised as well.  Nurture one area, and your efforts naturally bleed over into the other areas.  When we choose to feed our bodies good food, the nutients in that food not only feed our physiological needs, but also "feed" our mental state by giving our brain the nutrients it needs, which then stimulates the desire to continue the overall sense of well being achieved by nurturing your soul --be it by meditation, "quiet time", going for a walk or listening to music.

Conversely, feeding your body garbage like any of the myriad packaged chemical concoctions  that currently make up most of our diets perpetuates ill health all around.  You figure, the digestive process begins with your eyes:  as soon as your eyes spot what it knows will be entering your mouth, your body begins "prepping" for the process of digestion and readying itself to get nourished with nutrients.  However, when these chemicals actually hit your digestive track and bloodstream, you trick your body with these substances it doesn't recognize as nutrients (because they're not) nor does it know what to do with them.  Really, the only area of your body that has benefitted from this "scam" is your happy center:  your dopamine and seratonin receptors -- and this is very, very short lived -- because your body is now angry.  It quickly realizes that no nutrition has been received, and now must overcompensate to work with these foreign invaders who are interfering with your body doing its job.  

The end result is that your physical health gets compromised, which in turn affects your mental health.  And when your mental health is compromised, your spirit cannot thrive.  Think about when you eat something that is chock full of nutrition --and how you not only feel great after you eat it (if you don't feel great after you eat something, this is your first indicator something is not right), but you have also fed your "happy center" correctly, boosting your sense of well being.  

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